How long does it take to straighten my hair at a salon? What about price? Are the results noticeable(i have really thick curly hair)?
How long does it take to straighten my hair at a salon?
i also have really curly thick hair,
if you are talking about a hair striaghtener about the msot 45 mins w. the blow out and hair wash befoore.
but if yu wanna relaxer that toook me 3 hours.
How long does it take to straighten my hair at a salon?
About 11-15 minutes. Are you talking about relaxing it?
How long does it take to straighten my hair at a salon?
to permanetly straighten it??
well, it takes about 4-7 hours but can vary on your hair, and on the person doing it for you.
it lasts for about 8 months, but again, that can vary too
hope i helped!!
How long does it take to straighten my hair at a salon? a salon it depends what kind of straightener they use I have pretty strait hair and it took 5 mins so probably 10-15 mins for yours and a price well..probably about 10 dollars (please dont plan to go throughnthis troub;e every day)unless you want it permanate but iunno how long that takes I hope this helped!!
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